Job Details
PostingID : 66
Job Title: Mystery Shopper- Service Checker
Job Category: Not set
Job Description
Job Description : Being in business since 1996 has made INTERNATIONAL SERVICE CHECK one of the industry leaders in Mystery Shopping. Our strategic focus and dedication is to provide innovative, technology - driven Mystery Shopping programs, custom designed to exceed our clients' expectations in quality, performance and expert support. But at the same time, delivering accurate measurable data in a timely, efficient manner. Mystery Shopper- Service Checker INTERNATIONAL SERVICE CHECK is a well known global company focused on checking the quality of customer service, by using the method of Mystery Shopping. ISC is currently looking for people who are thoughtful, have an eye for detail and with good reporting skills, who reside in Ghana (especially in Accra) to analyze the service provided by various commercial outlets: restaurants, clothing or shoe shops, jewellery boutiques, Professional Test Centres etc. Tasks given to Mystery Shoppers: 1. In order to begin with us, every candidate has to register in our database: (then choose: Contact?Want to become a Service Checker?) 2. From time to time, you will be receiving emails or calls when somewhere in your area there are visits (checks) available. 3. For every visit you will receive detailed instructions about where and when you will have to go, what you will have to look for etc. Usually we check cleanliness, friendliness of employees and their willingness to help you during your visit. All detailed information regarding the visit is always provided in these written instructions, in addition they are often given by telephone from one of our coordinators. 4. After your visit, you will have to write an experience report telling us exactly what happened and also answer questions from a questionnaire. Both will be available online in your personal Service Checker account. 5. Your fee is determined by the project, before the visit and always visible in your instructions. After you perform a correct check, a money transfer will be arranged within a few weeks from the date of your visit. If you are asked to do the visit in a different city, you will be paid travel expenses in addition to your checker fee. 6. You should be more than 18 years old, should be able to speak and write good English, and should have two forms of IDs with photo and signature In addition, if we ask you to buy something, we will cover your expenses. So when doing a test check for us, you can often eat for free, or even get new clothing for free etc.
Required Skills or Experience
JobType : Part Time
Education Level : Secondary School
Experience Required : not needed
City: Accra
MinSalary GHc: 0.0000
MaxSalary GHc: 0.0000
Job Posting
Posting Date: 6/15/2012 12:00:00 AM
Date Expires : 15/09/2012
How to Apply
Contact Person / Email / Address:
Send Application (CV and Covering Letter) to : If you want to join, please register at: (then choose: Contact -> Want to become a Service Checker?) or Send a mail to