You are about to learn how to really make money
on the internet.
All I ask is for a few minutes of your time for your to read carefully and understand how you can make between
£250 - £500 a day on the internet quickly and easily.For this article I use euros as my denomination base but it does not really matter wether your denomination is the US, CAD, or AUS dollar. All international currencies are accepted through this system
* Special Note - Please Read! - I have seen a great increase in the number of copycat sites. This is testament to how profitable this system is. Ordinary people just like you are making money online every day using this tried and tested system, so why shouldn't you?
£250 - £500 a day on the internet quickly and easily.For this article I use euros as my denomination base but it does not really matter wether your denomination is the US, CAD, or AUS dollar. All international currencies are accepted through this system
* Special Note - Please Read! - I have seen a great increase in the number of copycat sites. This is testament to how profitable this system is. Ordinary people just like you are making money online every day using this tried and tested system, so why shouldn't you?
Every day, new methods to win money effortlessly crop up on the internet; some methods are simple, and others sound quite sophisticated, but they are not always effective.
In the past few years, those methods have flourished on the internet and millions of people have taken advantage of this incredible wave.
Why am I telling you all this? The internet is a wonderful tool which allows you to share new ideas and strategies that other people can exploit in order to be richer, more powerful, smarter, etc. In other words, the internet allows people to put their knowledge to the benefit of a large audience! I'm giving you the opportunity to earn money, don’t let it go! Seize it before somebody else takes your place! Remember we don't know how long this will last, so you should take advantage now before it's too late.
The CrazyDoc System has been used on the Internet for about 6 years. However, its origins date back to 18th century France, when the system was first proved mathematically using the advance probability theory.
I know you’re excited but please, you must read through and follow all of the instructions TO THE LETTER.
* Important - The method we have discovered is the most efficient, quick and easy way for you to make money on the internet. But most and foremost, it's 100% legal. Learn our method - it's 100% effective and can increase
your earnings by £250 - £500 a day - that's up to £15,000 per month...
for just a few hours work per day!
your earnings by £250 - £500 a day - that's up to £15,000 per month...
for just a few hours work per day!
The CrazyDoc System explained - make easy money today
The CrazyDoc System is based on exploiting flaws in online casinos. These flaws are real and exist all you have to do is take a look across the internet to realise that there are a lot of people just like you who are making money from these flaws.The CrazyDoc System is an easy way to make money and is that simple anyone can use it. It works by using a proven mathematical formula that makes it incredibly easy to calculate exactly how much you should wager in order to make a profit. The system only works for European Roulette.
WITH THIS SYSTEM IT DOESN’T MATTER WHERE THE BALL LANDS!, by the end of each short sequence YOU WILL HAVE MADE A PROFIT. Sounds simple right? Well it is! All you need is to be able to work out is that 2 x 2 = 4 and you will make money today.
You can see from the screenshot below just how well the system works. We increased an initial deposit of £500 into £4970 in 14 days! That's an amazing £4470 profit. That's £300+ profit per day!
Learn the System and make at least £300 today
First you must download one of the tried and tested online casinos listed below. These are the casino's where the system works best and where CrazyDoc System customers report the most profits. Therefore I seriously recommend this is where you use this system.These casino's also allow you to play for free, which will allow you to test the effectiveness of the method. Remember, you should play on free play until you are confident in the system before playing for real money. You have no time restrictions and no prying eyes. Play at your speed, see how it works in practice and become comfortable with the system. This means you can perfect your technique and see your account balance soar, before risking any of your own. You cannot do this in a real casino. Its one of the massive advantages you have when playing online.
Step 1: Select a casino from the list of highly recommended casinos below, and
download their software for free:
Step 3: Choose between fun play and real play. Remember you won't be able to cash out the money that you win in fun mode, but I recommend that this is where you start so that you can learn the system and see how effective it is before playing for real.
If you are ready to play in real mode then I susggest you take full advantage of the casinos bonus offer and deposit £100. If you are depositing at they offer a 150% bonus up to £150. That means you are £150 up and you haven't even placed a bet yet. We currently have the best results at William Hill at the moment.
Step 4: Enter your password and start to play in fun play or real play depending on what you choose. You'll then be able to try the crazyDoc system. You will be amazed how fast you start to multiply the money you have just deposited.
Remember you can withdraw your initial deposit at anytime! I would suggest making a withdrawal each time you are £500 in profit.
If you haven't already downloaded the FREE casino software do so by - Clicking Here
How the system works
Follow the instructions to the letter. Always keep your opening bet as small as possible to be sure the casino cannot detect the system.
1. Under table games, choose european roulette, single player.
2. Select a colour – Red or Black. It doesn’t matter which. For the purpose of this explanation lets say you chose Black
2. Place a very small £1 bet on Black
3. If Red comes up now place a £2 bet on Black. If Black comes up congratulations you have won and you are now in profit, you now need to start the sequence again (go back to step 2) and place a £1 bet on Red this time.
4. If Red comes up again place a £4 bet (double your last bet) on Black
5. Repeat this until black comes up (doubling your bet each time you lose) and you will win the sequence and you will now have more money than you started with!
6. If 0(zero) comes up during play treat it as if you have landed on the wrong colour and carry on doubling your bet.
7. Once you reach £500 profit you should stop for that day or move onto another casino. Otherwise you might arouse suspicion at the online casino
98.88% Success Rate - You will win money
What happens over 4 spins where you lose the first three spins but win the fourth:

Bet £1 on Red but Black comes in lose £1
Bet £2 on Red but Black comes in lose £3
Bet £4 on Red but Black comes in lose £7
Bet £8 on Red and Red comes in You Win £16!
Total amount wagered £15 = £1 Profit
What happens over 4 spins where you lose the first three spins but win the fourth:
Bet £1 on Red but Black comes in lose £1
Bet £2 on Red but Black comes in lose £3
Bet £4 on Red but Black comes in lose £7
Bet £8 on Red and Red comes in You Win £16!
Total amount wagered £15 = £1 Profit
This might not sound like much but it takes less than 30 seconds to do this that’s the same as £120 per hour with a
The only thing that would keep this system from having a 100% success rate is either you do not have enough money to continue to double your bet as needed, or your bet reaches the maximum bet amount allowed for the table. However, keep reading below to see how even with these limitations you still have a 98.88% success rate!
Most casino roulette tables have a maximum bet of £300. What this means is that you can only double your bet a maximum of 9 consecutive times:
Spin number | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Bet amount | £1 | £2 | £4 | £8 | £16 | £32 | £64 | £128 | £256 |
Odds Percentage | - | 51.3% | 26.4% | 13.5% | 6.9% | 3.6% | 1.8% | 0.9% | 0.5% |
Odds of 0.5% is LESS than 1%, that's a tiny percentage!
Due to the betting sequences you do need at least £200 on the Casino to run this system but heres the great part the Casinos that I recommend offer a 100% sign on bonus, this means the Casino will match your deposit, this way you only have to use £100 of your own money to work the system, and you'll make this back immediately.
So what are the chances that it could possibly go a full seven spins without landing on black?! After all, on any given spin you have a full 48.6% chance that the ball will land on black. (The reason it isn't a 50%-50% chance is because of the green zero number). So on just one spin alone you have a pretty good chance of it landing on black, let alone what are the chances that you would not win 9 times in a row?!
Well, after running a little statistics you can see that there is only a mere 0.94% chance that 7 spins in a row could occur without a black number appearing:
Important things to remember
1. When your colour comes up the sequence is over. You will always win back any losses plus a profit. At the end of each sequence go back to step one. THIS IS GUARANTEED
2. The casino’s software systems cannot detect this system. However, if you win over £500 their systems may alert a human supervisor to monitor your game play. The supervisor will very quickly realise you are using a winning system and can refuse to accept further bets from you and will ban you from the casino.
Golden Rules
1. Each time you lose, double up on your next bet.
2. Each time you win STOP increasing your stack and go back to step 2
3. Start with £1 bets only. Once you build up your bankroll then I would suggest moving up and starting with £5 bets, this will allow you to hit your daily target faster.
Helpful tips for ensuring your success
Open your account with a minimum balance that covers 8 or 9 consecutive losses, the chance of getting nine consecutives is 1/512! This is why I recommend an opening balance of at least £100 (the casino will top this up to exactly £200 for you).
Choose which colour you want to bet on, but if you loose stick to that colour until you win.
Only stay on a table for 15-20 minutes, and then log out and log back in after 5 minutes. I don't know why but for some reason the tables seem harder to play if you stay on the same table.
IMPORTANT - Things NOT to do with this knowledge
1. NEVER use this system in a land-based casino, because if they catch you you will be ejected from the premises and face a lifetime ban.
2. Never pass the £500 profit threshold in one online casino in a day. You could face being banned or even blacklisted from online casinos. If you want to play more than sign-up to more than one of the compatible casinos on this page. This is a great way to increase your winnings.
I realize that you may be confused by this, but don´t worry, read through it again a few times and it will become clear.
That really is how simple this system is!
If you haven´t already downloaded the free casino software then you can do so now by - Clicking Here!
If you have followed my instructions to the letter, you should be earning money by now. If so, don't thank me, just come back to the site and leave a donation so I can continue to spread this valuable knowledge to more people who can benefit from it.
I am offering you this knowledge so that you can try it yourself and see that it's revolutionary, but I cannot guarantee it, because the casinos are always trying to stop systems like these. However, if you follow each of the steps previously stated, you should be able to start earning money immediately.
Remember, if you don't win please contact me to let me know so we can take the casino off the list. I want all of my customers to win so it is important that we worked together to ensure this.
You are now ready to make some money!
Many thanks,
CrazyDoc - Internet Entrepreneur
Visit any of the casinos on this site and receive up to $1000 bonus offer
Make a CrazyDoc DonationIf you have tested CrazyDoc system and seen that it works, you might want to express your gratitude. A donation will always be welcome as it will help me to continue with my goal which is helping you to find real money making systems.
It´s difficult these days to keep broadcasting a money making system as powerful as this because there are companies that would prefer people to remained uninformed for obvious reasons ´you will be making a lot of money off them´.
If you do make a donation then thank you!!! It will enable me to keep this website a float and help me to keep on producing money making systems, which will enable people like you to become rich!
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